
Module for computing features.

satsense.extract.extract_features(features: Iterator[satsense.features.Feature], generator: satsense.generators.FullGenerator, n_jobs: int = -1)[source]

Compute features.

  • features – Iterable of features.
  • generator – Generator providing the required windows on the image.
  • n_jobs – The maximum number of processes to use. The default is to use the value returned by os.cpu_count().

satsense.FeatureVector – The requested feature vectors.


Extracting features from an image:

import numpy as np
from satsense import Image
from satsense.generators import FullGenerator
from satsense.extract import extract_features
from satsense.features import NirNDVI, HistogramOfGradients, Pantex

# Define the features to calculate
features = [
    HistogramOfGradients(((50, 50), (100, 100))),
    NirNDVI(((50, 50),)),
    Pantex(((50, 50), (100, 100))),

# Load the image into a generator
# This generator splits the image into chunks of 10x10 pixels
image = Image('test/data/source/section_2_sentinel.tif', 'quickbird')
generator = FullGenerator(image, (10, 10))

# Calculate all the features and append them to a list
vector = []
for feature_vector in extract_features(features, generator):
    # The shape returned is (x, y, w, v)
    # where x is the number of chunks in the x direction
    #       y is the number of chunks in the y direction
    #       w is the number of windows the feature uses
    #       v is the length of the feature per window
    # Reshape the resulting vector so it is (x, y, w * v)
    # e.g. flattened along the windows and features
    data = feature_vector.vector.reshape(
                *feature_vector.vector.shape[0:2], -1)
# dstack reshapes the vector into and (x, y, n)
# where n is the total length of all features
featureset = np.dstack(vector)
satsense.extract.extract_feature(feature, generator)[source]

Compute a single feature vector.

  • feature (Feature) – The feature to calculate
  • generator – Generator providing the required windows on the image.