
Mappings for satelite image bands

0-index based for python, when using gdal add 1


Known satellites are
  • worldview2 - 7 bands
  • worldview3 - 7 bands
  • quickbird - 4 bands
  • pleiades - 5 bands
  • rgb - 3 bands
  • monochrome - 1 band


if you need direct access to the bands of the image you can find them using this package:

>>> from satsense.bands import BANDS
>>> print(BANDS['worldview3'])
{'coastal': 0, 'blue': 1, 'green': 2, 'yellow': 3,
 'red': 4, 'red-edge': 5, 'nir-1': 6, 'nir-2': 7}