Source code for satsense.generators

"""Module providing a generator to iterate over the image."""
import logging
import math

from .image import Image

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BalancedGenerator(): """ Balanced window generator. Parameters ---------- image : Image Satellite image masks : 1-D array-like List of masks, one for each class, to use for generating patches A mask should have a positive value for the array positions that are included in the class p : 1-D array-like, optional The probabilities associated with each entry in masks. If not given the sample assumes a uniform distribution over all entries in a. samples : int, optional The maximum number of samples to generate, otherwise infinite Examples --------- Using BalancedGenerator >>> from satsense.generators import BalancedGenerator >>> BalancedGenerator(image, [class1_mask, class2_mask, class3_mask], [0.33, 0.33, 0.33]) """ def __init__(self, image: Image, masks, p=None, samples=None, offset=(0, 0), shape=None): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class FullGenerator(): """Window generator that covers the full image. Parameters ---------- image: Image Satellite image step_size: tuple(int, int) Size of the steps to use to iterate over the image (in pixels) offset: tuple(int, int) Offset from the (0, 0) point (in number of steps). shape: tuple(int, int) Shape of the generator (in number of steps) """ def __init__(self, image: Image, step_size: tuple, offset=(0, 0), shape=None): self.image = image self.step_size = step_size self.offset = offset if not shape: shape = tuple( math.ceil(image.shape[i] / step_size[i]) for i in range(2)) self.shape = shape = self.transform = image.scaled_transform(step_size) # set using load_image self.loaded_itype = None self._image_cache = None self._windows = None self._padding = None
[docs] def load_image(self, itype, windows): """ Load image with sufficient additional data to cover windows. Parameters ---------- itype: str Image type windows: list[tuple] The list of tuples of window shapes that will be used with this generator """ self._windows = tuple(sorted(windows, reverse=True)) self._padding = tuple( max(math.ceil(0.5 * w[i]) for w in windows) for i in range(2)) block = self._get_blocks() image = self.image.copy_block(block) self._image_cache = image[itype] self.loaded_itype = itype
def _get_blocks(self): """ Calculate the size of the subset needed to include enough data for the calculations of windows for this generator """ block = [] for i in range(2): offset = self.offset[i] * self.step_size[i] start = offset - self._padding[i] end = (offset + self._padding[i] + (self.shape[i] * self.step_size[i])) block.append((start, end)) return tuple(block) def _get_slices(self, index, window): """ Calculate the array slices needed to retrieve the window from the image at the provided index Parameters ---------- index: 1-D array-like The x and y coordinates for the slice in steps window: 1-D array-like The x and y size of the window Returns ------- tuple[tuple] The x-range and y-range slices for the index and window both with and without the padding included """ slices = [] for i in range(2): mid = self._padding[i] + math.floor( (index[i] + .5) * self.step_size[i]) start = mid - math.floor(.5 * window[i]) end = start + window[i] slices.append(slice(start, end)) return slices def __iter__(self): """ Iterate over the x and y coordinates of the generator and windows While iterating it will return for each x and y coordinate as defined by the step_size the part of the image as defined by the window. Consecutive calls will first return each window and then move to the next coordinates Returns ------- collections.Iterable[numpy.ndarray] """ if self._image_cache is None: raise RuntimeError("Please load an image first using load_image.") for i in range(self.shape[0]): for j in range(self.shape[1]): for window in self._windows: yield self[i, j, window] def __getitem__(self, index): """ Extract item from image. Parameters ---------- index: 1-D array-like An array wich specifies the x and y coordinates and the window shape to get from the generator Examples: --------- >>> generator[0, 0, (100, 100)] """ window = index[2] slices = self._get_slices(index, window) return self._image_cache[slices[0], slices[1]]
[docs] def split(self, n_chunks): """ Split processing into chunks. Parameters ---------- n_chunks: int Number of chunks to split the image into """ chunk_size = math.ceil(self.shape[0] / n_chunks) for job in range(n_chunks): row_offset = self.offset[0] + job * chunk_size row_length = min(chunk_size, self.shape[0] - row_offset) if row_length <= 0: break yield FullGenerator( image=self.image, step_size=self.step_size, offset=(row_offset, self.offset[1]), shape=(row_length, self.shape[1]))