Source code for satsense.features.texton

"""Texton feature implementation."""
import logging
from typing import Iterator

import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import convolve
from skimage.filters import gabor_kernel, gaussian
from sklearn.cluster import MiniBatchKMeans

from ..generators import FullGenerator
from ..image import Image
from .feature import Feature

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def create_texton_kernels():
    """Create filter bank kernels."""
    kernels = []
    angles = 8
    thetas = np.linspace(0, np.pi, angles)
    for theta in thetas:
        for sigma in (1, ):
            for frequency in (0.05, ):
                kernel = np.real(
                        frequency, theta=theta, sigma_x=sigma, sigma_y=sigma))

    return kernels

def get_texton_descriptors(image: Image):
    """Compute texton descriptors."""
    logger.debug("Computing texton descriptors")
    kernels = create_texton_kernels()

    # Prepare input image
    array = image['grayscale']
    mask = array.mask
    array = array.filled(fill_value=0)

    # Create result image
    shape = array.shape + (len(kernels) + 1, )
    result =, dtype=array.dtype)
    result.mask = np.zeros(result.shape, dtype=bool)

    for k, kernel in enumerate(kernels):
        result[:, :, k] = convolve(array, kernel, mode='same')
        result.mask[:, :, k] = mask

    result[:, :, -1] = gaussian(array, sigma=1) - gaussian(array, sigma=3)
    result.mask[:, :, -1] = mask

    logger.debug("Done computing texton descriptors")
    return result

Image.register('texton_descriptors', get_texton_descriptors)

def texton_cluster(images: Iterator[Image],
                   sample_window=(8192, 8192)) -> MiniBatchKMeans:
    """Compute texton clusters."""
    nfeatures = int(max_samples / len(images))
    descriptors = []
    for image in images:

        chunk = np.minimum(image.shape, sample_window)

        generator = FullGenerator(image, chunk)
        generator.load_image('texton_descriptors', (chunk, ))

        max_features_per_window = int(nfeatures /

        rand_state = np.random.RandomState(seed=0)

        for array in generator:
            array = array.reshape(-1, array.shape[-1])
            non_masked = ~array.mask.any(axis=-1)
            data =[non_masked]
            if data.shape[0] > max_features_per_window:
                data = data[rand_state.choice(
                    data.shape[0], max_features_per_window, replace=False)]

    descriptors = np.vstack(descriptors)

    # Cluster the descriptors
    mbkmeans = MiniBatchKMeans(
        n_clusters=n_clusters, random_state=42).fit(descriptors)

    return mbkmeans

def texton(descriptors, kmeans: MiniBatchKMeans, normalized=True):
    """Calculate the texton feature on the given window."""
    n_clusters = kmeans.n_clusters

    shape = descriptors.shape
    descriptors = descriptors.reshape(shape[0] * shape[1], shape[2])

    codewords = kmeans.predict(descriptors)
    counts = np.bincount(codewords, minlength=n_clusters)

    # Perform normalization
    if normalized:
        counts = counts / n_clusters

    return counts

[docs]class Texton(Feature): """ Texton Feature Transform calculator First create a codebook of Texton features from the suplied images using `from_images`. Then we can compute the histogram of codewords for a given window. For more information see [1]_. Parameters ---------- window_shapes: list The window shapes to calculate the feature on. kmeans : sklearn.cluster.MiniBatchKMeans The trained KMeans clustering from opencv normalized : bool If True normalize the feature by the total number of clusters Example ------- Calculating the Texton feature on an image using a generator:: from satsense import Image from satsense.generators import FullGenerator from satsense.extract import extract_feature from satsense.features import Texton windows = ((50, 50), ) image = Image('test/data/source/section_2_sentinel.tif', 'quickbird') image.precompute_normalization() texton = Texton.from_images(windows, [image]) generator = FullGenerator(image, (10, 10)) feature_vector = extract_feature(texton, generator) print(feature_vector.shape) Notes ----- .. [1] Arbelaez, Pablo, et al., "Contour detection and hierarchical image segmentation," IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence (2011), vol. 33 no. 5, pp. 898-916. """ base_image = 'texton_descriptors' compute = staticmethod(texton) def __init__(self, windows, kmeans: MiniBatchKMeans, normalized=True): """Create Texton feature.""" super().__init__(windows, kmeans=kmeans, normalized=normalized) self.size = kmeans.n_clusters
[docs] @classmethod def from_images(cls, windows, images: Iterator[Image], n_clusters=32, max_samples=100000, sample_window=(8192, 8192), normalized=True): """ Create a codebook of Texton features from the suplied images. Using the images `max_samples` Texton features are extracted evenly from all images. These features are then clustered into `n_clusters` clusters. This codebook can then be used to calculate a histogram of this codebook. Parameters ---------- windows : list[tuple] The window shapes to calculate the feature on. images : Iterator[satsense.Image] Iterable for the images to calculate the codebook no n_cluster : int The number of clusters to create for the codebook max_samples : int The maximum number of samples to use for creating the codebook normalized : bool Wether or not to normalize the resulting feature with regards to the number of clusters """ kmeans = texton_cluster( images, n_clusters, max_samples, sample_window=sample_window) return cls(windows, kmeans, normalized)