Source code for satsense.features.feature

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class Feature(ABC):
    Feature superclass.

        window_shapes : list[tuple]
            List of tuples of window shapes to calculate the feature on
        **kwargs : dict
            Keyword arguments for the feature


    base_image = None
    The base image this feature is calculated on
    ``Must be set by implementing classes``

    size = None
    The size of the feature in array shape
    ``Must be set by implementing classes``

    def __init__(self, window_shapes, **kwargs):
        self._indices = {}
        self._length = 0
        self._windows = tuple(sorted(window_shapes, reverse=True))
        self.kwargs = kwargs = self.__class__.__name__

    def __call__(self, window):
        return self.compute(window, **self.kwargs)

[docs] @staticmethod @abstractmethod def compute(window, **kwargs): """ Compute the feature on the window This function needs to be set by the implementation subclass ``compute = staticmethod(my_feature_calculation)`` Parameters ---------- window : tuple[int] The shape of the window **kwargs: dict The keyword arguments for the compustation """ pass
@property def windows(self): """ Returns the windows this feature uses for calculation Returns ------- tuple[tuple[int]] """ return self._windows @windows.setter def windows(self, value): self._windows = tuple(sorted(value, reverse=True)) @property def indices(self): """ The indices for this feature in a feature set See Also -------- FeatureSet """ return self._indices @indices.setter def indices(self, value): self._indices = value
[docs]class FeatureSet(): """ FeatureSet Class The FeatureSet class can be used to bundle a number of features together. this class then calculates the indices for each feature within a vector of all features stacked into a single 3 dimensional matrix. """ def __init__(self): self._features = {} self._cur_index = 0 def __iter__(self): return iter(self._features) @property def items(self): return self._features.items()
[docs] def add(self, feature, name=None): """ Parameters ---------- feature : Feature The feature to add to the set name : str The name to give the feature in the set. If none the features class name and length is used Returns: name : str The name of the added feature feature : Feature The added feature """ if not name: name = "{0}-{1}".format(feature.__class__.__name__, len(self._features) + 1) = name self._features[name] = (feature) self._recalculate_feature_indices() return name, feature
[docs] def remove(self, name): """ Remove the feature from the set Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the feature to remove Returns ------- bool Wether the feature was succesfully removed """ if name in self._features: del self._features[name] self._recalculate_feature_indices() return True return False
@property def index_size(self): """ The size of the index """ return self._cur_index def _recalculate_feature_indices(self): self._cur_index = 0 for feature in self._features.values(): size = feature.size * len( feature.indices = slice(self._cur_index, self._cur_index + size) self._cur_index += size @property def base_images(self): """ list[str] List of base images that was used to calculate these features """ return {f.base_image for f in self._features.values()}